The Best and Quick Skin Care For Oily Skin

Anyone with oily skin is familiar with the day-to-day annoyance of dealing with their skin’s persistent sheen and greasy texture. Skincare for oily skin that is carefully curated may assist in regulating excessive sebum production, which will make your skin seem less greasy.

Read more: Dry Skin Skincare: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think

Acne, pimples, blackheads, and pigmentation are some of the most prevalent skin issues associated with oily skin. As a result of our thorough investigation into different treatment options for oily skin, we’ve developed an optimal oily skin care regimen.

The troubles of Oily Skin

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what causes oily skin, but there’s no denying that it’s a common problem. Overactive sebaceous glands are to blame for oily skin, which means your skin produces more oil than it should. In many cases, it’s a result of environmental factors such as temperature shifts, hormones, and heredity as well as food, stress, and even the improper skincare product.

It’s important to remember that when your skin is dry, it produces too much oil to make up for the lack of moisture, resulting in Acne, outbreaks, and blackheads, which are more likely to occur when pores are too big.

Determining Skin Type

Overproducing sebaceous glands in oily skin types causes the skin to look greasy and glossy, particularly in the T-zone region.

A simple test may quickly reveal whether or not you have oily skin. Using a mild cleanser, patting your face dry, and then allowing your skin to be naked for 30 minutes is the first step in the process. After that timeframe, if your skin seems glossy all over, especially on your cheeks, nose, and forehead, you have oily skin.

Causes of Oily Skin

Have you noticed that your skin has a little sheen to it? Everyone gets oil on their skin, and it’s a fact of life. Your pores have sebaceous glands, which secrete sebum, a natural oil. This aids in the hydration and health of your skin.

Sebaceous glands, on the other hand, may overproduce oil in a small number of persons. This results in greasy skin. If your skin is continually glossy and you need numerous wiping sheets every day, you have oily skin. Even hours after cleaning, oily skin might still feel greasy.

As a result of the sebum mixing with dead skin cells, acne breakouts are more prevalent.

This condition is caused by a combination of hereditary and environmental factors as well as lifestyle choices. Though oily skin cannot be cured, there are ways to reduce the amount of oil on your skin. There are seven fundamental factors that need to be identified.

  • Inheritance

Oily skin seems to run in the family. You’re more likely to have oily skin if one or both parents has it.

  • Age is a factor.

Your skin will generate less sebum with age, but you won’t necessarily outgrow your oily skin condition. Collagen slows down as the skin ages.

Dry skin is common among the elderly because of this. Due to the absence of collagen and sebum, the appearance of facial wrinkles is heightened during this period.

Every few years, you should get your skin evaluated by an aesthetician to see whether your current skincare regimen needs to be tweaked.

  • Where you reside and the season you are in.

When it comes to oily skin, genetics and age play a role, but where you reside and the season of the year also plays a role.

People in hot, humid areas have oilier skin. In the summer, your skin is more likely to be covered in oil than it is in the autumn or winter.

If you face the troubles of oily skin, you may alter your daily regimen to account for the increased heat and humidity.

Keep a supply of blotting papers on hand to deal with any lingering oiliness. A foundation or moisturizer with a matte finish might help absorb excess oil.

  • Expansion of the pores

As you age, fluctuate in weight, or have had past breakouts, your pores may widen. Pores with a greater surface area are likely to secrete more oil.

Pores can’t be shrunk, but you may take additional precautions to blot parts of your face.

  • Skincare items that aren’t suitable for your skin

Using incorrect cosmetic products for a particular skin type might also lead to oily skin. Some individuals confuse mixed skin with oily skin, leading them to overuse lotions that aren’t necessary.

If your skin tends to be drier in the winter, you may need to switch to lighter moisturizers and cleansers in the spring and summer.

The quantity of oil left on your face may be greatly reduced by using the proper skin care products.

Read more: Useful Nighttime Skincare Routine: All You Need To Know

  • Excessive use of skin care products

Excessive cleansing and exfoliation might lead to oily skin. Washing and exfoliating are meant to remove oil, so this may seem like an oxymoron.

However, if you repeat this too frequently, you will remove too much of your skin’s natural oil. When your sebaceous glands lose oil, they may go into “emergency mode,” producing significantly more oil to compensate.

Excess oil may be minimized by simply washing your face and hands twice a day.

In addition to causing your skin to become more oily, not using sunscreen may cause your skin to become flakier and dry. Wear sunscreen every day of the week. Even while sunscreen-infused moisturizers and foundations tend to be less greasy, you should still reapply as needed during the day.

  • The use of an ineffective moisturizer.

Moisturizing promotes greasy skin is a misconception. Using acne treatments like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid might dry out your skin, so be sure to use a moisturizer afterward. Any kind of skin will get parched if it is not moisturized.

Decide on a moisturizer that works for your skin type instead of skipping it altogether. For oily skin, lightweight water-based moisturizers are best. After washing and toning, this is the last step you should do. If you want to keep your pores clean, seek products that state they’re “non-comedogenic” and “oil-free.”

If you want products made especially for your skin type, SkinInspired is the way to go. We have products that are scientifically proven and recommended by dermatologists. You can even search by ingredients, benefits, skin types, and concerns to build the right routine for you!

Skin Care Steps for Oily Skin Type

  • Step 1: Use a mild cleanser to wash your face.

To completely clean the face without overdrying it, begin your skin care regimen with a light gel or foam cleanser. If you have oily acne-prone skin, salicylic acid-based cleansers are the best option. They go deep into the pores and remove all of the dirt and sebum that has built up over the years. You should not, however, use it more than two times each day.

  • Step 2: Toner without alcohol is the second step.

For oily skin, toners are a must-have since they remove the last traces of pollution and sebum that your cleanser left behind.

High-quality, alcohol-free toners help maintain the skin’s pH balance and give it a radiant shine. It’s best to look for a product with no scent that also helps to calm and revive your skin.

  • Step 3: The third step is to apply AHA/BHA serums to your skin.

Serums containing Salicylic acid (BHA) are the most efficient chemical exfoliants when it comes to dealing with acne and blemishes. There are other ingredients that may help clean up acne, such as Tea Tree oil. Lactic acid and glycolic acid are gentler exfoliants that are best utilized to combat fine wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and discoloration of the skin’s pigment.

Using any of these serums can help eliminate dead cells and speed up cell turnover, which will assist to minimize oil production on the skin. Any chemical exfoliant should be used in the evening.

  • Step 4: Moisturize with an oil-free cream.

Choosing a moisturizer for oily skin requires that product be labeled “non-comedogenic” or “oil-free,” which is a good rule of thumb.

Hydrating ingredients like glycerin and hyaluronic acid may be found in a gel composition that is ideal for oily, acne-prone, or mixed skin. These humectants keep the skin hydrated without feeling greasy.

  • Step 5: Using a matte sunscreen is the last step.

Those with oily skin are reluctant to apply SPF because of its greasy and sticky compositions. Using a powder or gel sunscreen that makes your skin look matte is the best approach here. With a matte finish, this concealer may be used as a base for your make-up.

What to look out for?

When it comes to oily skin, hefty and pore-clogging products are out of the question. Avoid cosmetics containing coconut oil, vegetable oil, petroleum jelly, and shea or cocoa butter. Avoid these ingredients at any cost.

If you have sensitive skin, avoid abrasive scrubs that might damage the natural skin barrier and result in an increase in oil production. Also, seek products with the designation “noncomedogenic,” which suggests that they won’t clog pores.

Pro Tips
-Wipe away excess oil with a tissue or oil-blotting paper for the quickest, easiest, and most effective method of reducing grease on the skin.

-Over-exfoliation may irritate your skin and exacerbate your oily skin problems, so try to resist the desire. For oily skin, the finest scrub contains a gentle composition that removes dirt and grime without drying out the skin.

-For oily skin, look for a face cleanser with a mild composition that removes all of your skin’s impurities but doesn’t dry it out.

-Make sure your moisturizer doesn’t clog your pores or make your skin feel greasy.
A nighttime beauty routine that includes retinol-based serums may help reduce the amount of oil your skin produces and expels.

-To avoid clogging your pores, look for items labeled “noncomedogenic.”
Use a primer to help reduce sebum production and ensure that your makeup remains in place long after application.

-Choose an oil-free foundation with a matte finish to combat shine and oil all day. This might cause your makeup to wrinkle if you overuse concealers.

-Don’t ever go to bed with make-up on. If you’re already suffering from other skin problems, this will just make them worse.

-When it comes to preventing breakouts and acne on your face, avoid touching your skin at all costs.


Having oily skin may be caused by a variety of factors. It’s also possible to suffer from oily skin due to many factors.

In addition to inheriting oily skin, you may also be afflicted by a humid atmosphere. The best way to have clearer skin in this situation is to tackle all the reasons for excess oil.

It will take time for an oily skin regimen to take effect once you’ve devised it.

It may take several months or more before you begin to see any significant changes. Seeing a dermatologist may be necessary if your skin continues to produce excessive amounts of oil. If you want to know insider tips and tricks from dermatologists for great and healthy skin, click here!